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Over the course of this semester I have learned the basics of writing programs with HTML. I have learned how to create a basic website only using HTML, then learned how to add CSS, and Javascript for specific purposes. With HTML you are able to add images, text, and set the program for the bones to add your flair to it.


CSS takes a basic webpage and turns it into almost anything you want it to be. Need to add color to your backgroud? CSS! Add word art? CSS! Anything is possible with further research of how to properly use CSS with HTML. So, think of CSS being the added siding to a house to make it pretty.


JavaScript is where things get interesting. This is where the game changes and you start adding functioning buttons, functioning calculations, translations, conversions. JavaScript is what you will use when you need something to react a certain way whenever you press the "submit" button. JavaScript was the most challenging assignments for me. I found it difficult to wrap up the mathematics behind making it all come together and work.

Overall throughout the entirity of the course I have found myself frustrated, challenged but overall feeling rewarded. With each < or " it makes what looks like a bunch of simple words and characters come to life into a creation of your own imagination.